
TeXstudio: Source Linux, Windows, macOS (2021-02-17) 3.1.0 Free GPL2: Yes Yes (pdf, selection with dvi2png) TeXworks: Source Linux, macOS, Windows (2021-03-11) 0.6.6 Free GPL: No Yes (pdf) Verbosus: Source Online, Android, iOS (2016-05-06) 4.1.3 Free Proprietary: Yes Yes (pdf) WinEdt: Source Windows (2018-05-07) 10.3 Non-free Proprietary: Yes. TexStudio is becoming a very popular latex editor. It works across many platforms including Windows, Linux and Mac. TexStudio also has built in support for being able to compile and display the document being worked on. LangaugeTool is a very interesting tool that can be used as stand alone grammar checker. It works as a server on your computer. Homebrew’s package index. On the top part of the TeXStudio interface is a toolbar with the File, Edit, IdeFix, Tools, LaTeX, Math, Wizards, Bibliography, Macros, View, Option, and Help options. The rest of the TeXStudio interface is the TeXStudio work area, where you can make a document. How to get TeXStudio? You can get TeXStudio by following the steps given below – 1. TeXstudio Currently, TeXstudio is my first choice for a LaTeX editor. It has all the features mentioned before and I like the clean interface. In addition, I found really helpful the image thumbnails shown when placing the mouse over an image entry in the tex document.

In this article, we will study how to easily include bibliography or references into your LaTex document. We will also discuss how to cite a paper in any LaTex document in detail. If you are looking for:

  • How do I add a references in LaTex using TeXstudio/ShareLaTeX/Texmaker?
  • How do I create a bibliography in LaTex using TeXstudio/ShareLaTeX/Texmaker?
  • Referencing using LaTeX
  • How to cite a paper, etc.

In this article, we will study how to easily include bibliography or references into your LaTex document. We will also discuss how to cite a paper in any LaTex document in detail.

Steps to include bibliography/reference and cite a bibliography/reference are as follows:

Step 1 First create an empty LaTex document with .tex extension using your LaTex editor TeXstudio/ShareLaTeX/Texmaker. Say paper.tex.
You can also create this file using notepad/notepad++/gedit, etc. However, LaTex should be installed in your system in order to compile and run your LaTex code.

Step 2 Create another empty file with .bib extension. Say reference.bib. This is a file containing all your references which are formatted in a particular way, which we will discuss in later steps.

Step 3 Open your paper.tex file with any of the LaTex editor (Eg., TeXstudio) and insert the below code:

Texstudio download

Now, look at the two important lines at the bottom of the above LaTex code:


bibliographystyle{plain}: This command is used to specify the type of styling for your references and can be one of the following: plain, abbrev, acm, apalike, ieeetr, alpha, siam, unsrt

bibliography{reference}: By using this command you specify the name of your bibliography/reference file (Here, reference.bib ) without the .bib extension.

Step 4 Now, open your bibliography file reference.bib and insert the references you would like to cite or include in your paper or article

Latex Bibliography Example:

Note: You must strictly follow the correct syntax otherwise you might get compile errors.

Step 5 Each entry in the .bib file must start with a reference type declaration, which is in a form of @type.

Some of the commonly used @types are: @inproceedings, @article,@book, etc.

After a type declaration, you must type all reference attributes in the the curly braces { and }.

The first attribute immediately following the left curly brace { is called as citation key (Here, femto_anup is the citation key). Citation key should be unique and distinct for all the entries in your reference.bib file. Rick and morty. This key will act as an identifier to cross-reference it to this particular entry.

Step 6 Now observe the command cite{femto_anup}, this command is used to cross-reference or cite the record/entry with the citation key femto_anup.

Step 7 Compile and run to see the output.

All the best!

Comfortable Editing

  • Multi-Cursors
  • Auto completion
  • More than 1000 mathematical symbols
  • Bookmarks
  • Link overlay
  • Assistants for images, tables, formulas, ..
  • Drag & drop support for images
  • Table-formatting

Edit multiple positions at the same time. Vertical blocks can even be copied and pasted.

Suggests possible LaTeX commands as you type. There is a tooltip help explaining the command.

Completion works also for references and bibliography entries.

Quick access to more than 1000 mathematical symbols.

Use bookmarks too keep references to important places in your text and to navigate there quickly.

Tooltips show a preview of the code position.

Filenames, references and citations turn into links when moving the mouse over them while holding <Ctrl>.


Also here, tooltips show a preview of the code position.

Generate blocks of code using assistants without the need for detailed LaTeX knowledge.

When you drag an image on the editor the image assistant opens. From there it's just one more click to have the code for the image inclusion. Of course, we try to make the paths relative. This also works with multiple images.

See Full List On Sourceforge.net

You can copy / paste / insert new table columns with a single click.

The table-autoformatter aligns the table code.

Keep The Overview

  • Structure view
  • Code folding
  • Advanced syntax highlighting
  • Interactive spellchecker
  • Interactive grammar checker
  • Interactive reference checker
  • Clear display of LaTeX errors and warnings (in the editor and as a list)

Advanced build system

Error Highlighting
  • Built-in support for various LaTeX compilers, index, bibliography and glossary tools, Latexmk, and many more
  • Automatic detection of the need for multiple LaTeX runs
  • Run any program you like
  • Completely customizable for the creation of the complete document

View The Result

  • Integrated PDF viewer with (almost) word-level syncing
  • Live-updating inline preview for formulas and code segments
  • Tooltip preview for included images

Easy Setup

  • Installers or packages available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X
  • Portable USB version available
  • Automatic detection of MikTeX, TeX Live, Ghostscript and Standardlatex
  • SVN support

Texstudio 3

You can find more details in the user manual or in the Git Changelog.
Feel free to share your ideas on possible future improvements of TeXstudio.