Slack Node

Slack is a great chat and communication tool used by small and large businesses as well as personal use. Slack has a great API and great official Node JS cl.

Create a Slackbot in under 10 minutes using Node.js; Create a Slackbot in under 10 minutes using Node.js Chatbots — they’re cool, fun and useful virtual assistants to have. In this tutorial, we’ll build a basic ChatBot that can reply to queries via Slack. A node module for uploading files to slack using multipart or string. Slack is a messaging platform that is easy to integrate with. This module should be useful for for uploading files to Slack! Node-slack-upload is available via npm: npm install node-slack-upload Usage. Get your Slack api token from here. Ideally, for this tutorial you should use a Slack workspace that you can safely send many test messages to while we are creating this bot, without disturbing people. We'll also need the following: Git set up and installed, and a registered GitHub account. Node.js installed. A registered Code Capsules account. An IDE or text editor to create the. For more information on Slack, you can view Slack's Features. At this point, you might be wondering where Node.js comes in. As I mentioned, at its most basic, Slack is a messaging system; however, it can be infinitely extended and customized. Slack provides an incredibly flexible system to customize your team's integration, including.

Extend Slack with Node.js. Unleash automation.
All the ChatOps are belong to you.


Install Slash Webtasks App

Power up your Slack team with one click. Free Beta.


Create an integration in seconds

Type /wt make hello-slack. You are done. Run your new integration with /wt hello-slack. Then click on the edit link and customize your integration. All you need is code.

Slack Api Documentation


Slack Nodejs

Automation, unplugged

Slack sdk

Empower your entire slack team to extend it through Node.js using Auth0 Webtasks.

Slack Node Js

What can you do?

NodeSlack node-redSlack node apiSlack sdk

Slack Node Power System

  • Custom reports: query an internal data warehouse to retrieve customer data, generate real-time reports, check website activity.

  • ChatOps: trigger a deployment, manage your infrastructure, diagnose problems, get systems health.

  • Process automation: request permission for system access, submit a vacation request.

  • Use your imagination: turn off lights at home, check traffic to your meeting, order flowers for your significant other. Code is the limit.