Metasequoia Plant

Crystals, Rocks & Minerals for Sale. We have a wide variety of crystals, rocks and mineral specimens for sale for sale ranging from common everyday quartz and pyrite to those rare specimens of wulfininte, ruby and emerald. In the early 1940s, the genus Metasequoia was known only from the fossil record Fossil record: The totality of all preserved remains of once-living things throughout geological history. Rocks containing the imprints of the dawn redwood’s characteristic needle pattern.

General Information
Symbol: MEGL8
Group: Gymnosperm
Family: Cupressaceae
Duration: Perennial
Growth Habit: Tree
Native Status: L48 I
Data Source and Documentation
Native, No County DataIntroduced, No County DataBoth, No County Data
Metasequoia Plant
Native Status:
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A sight to behold, Metasequoia glyptostroboides (Dawn Redwood) is a large deciduous coniferous tree of great beauty. It features an upright, narrowly conical form that enhances many landscapes. Unlike most cone-bearing trees, Dawn Redwood loses its foliage each winter. Rounded, wrinkled, 1 inch diameter, purplish-green cones mature to brown. Heavy, straight-grained, rot-resistant wood has been used for a variety of purposes including barrels, railroad ties and shingles. Closest relative is the dawn redwood (Metasequoia) which is also deciduous. State tree of Louisiana. Other common names dawn redwood. Synonyms Metasequoia honshuenensis. Family Cupressaceae. Genus Metasequoia is a large deciduous tree with reddish-brown fibrous bark and soft, pale green linear leaves arranged in two ranks on the shoots, colouring beautifully in autumn.


Metasequoia Torrent

thumbnails at the Plants Gallery

Provided by USDA Forest Service. Usage Requirements.

©Richard A. Howard. Provided by Smithsonian Institution, Richard A. Howard Photograph Collection. Usage Requirements.

slideshow Click on a scientific name below to expand it in the PLANTS Classification Report. Metasequoia plantation
RankScientific Name and Common Name
KingdomPlantae – Plants
SubkingdomTracheobionta – Vascular plants
SuperdivisionSpermatophyta – Seed plants
DivisionConiferophyta – Conifers
FamilyCupressaceae – Cypress family
GenusMetasequoia Miki ex Hu & W.C. Cheng – dawn redwood
SpeciesMetasequoia glyptostroboides Hu & W.C. Cheng – dawn redwood
This plant has no children
Interpreting Wetland Status
More Accounts and Images
ARS Germplasm Resources Information Network (MEGL8)
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (MEGL8)
Kemper Center for Home Gardening (MEGL8)


SourceLarge MammalsSmall MammalsWater BirdsTerrestrial Birds

Metasequoia Tutorial


SourceLarge MammalsSmall MammalsWater BirdsTerrestrial Birds

Description of Values

Metasequoia Tomb Raider

Value ClassFoodCover

Metasequoia Plant From Seed