
└ 滑鼠手勢FireGestures腳本 (7) 瀏覽器 (86) └ Vivaldi (6) └ Edge (19) └ Opera (12) └ Chrome (66) └ 書籤小工具Bookmarklet (15) └ 備份用 (0) └ 油猴子腳本 (23) └ Stylish CSS樣式 (13) └ 噗浪 (2) └ 推特 (1) └ 臉書 (41) └ 估狗 (21) 南海 (15) 陸客 (27) 綜合 (3) 不可思議 (26) 動人. Firefoxマウスジェスチャー「Firegestures」のスクリプト設定色々; ドイツ語・スペイン語・ロシア語・フランス語等の外国語の発音が聞けるFORVO; Yahoo!天気で雨雲接近の通知が来ない場合の対処法; 太陽系の惑星&星座を3Dで見れる「SOLAR SYSTEM SCOPE」.




Firegestures Old Version

Although each new version of Firefox we test is easier to use, there are people over there who think that Firefox should include even more facilities and that's the reson why there exist so many add-ons for the well-known web browser.
This time we have experienced mouse gestures in Firefox and I must say it is very useful when you get used to them.
FireGestures is an add-on for Firefox that adds mouse gestures support to your favorite web browser. It offers 5 different control modes to do different actions: Mouse gestures, wheel gestures, rocker (right-left click combinations), Keycombinations, and tab rotation using the mouse wheel.
By this way, iif you want to experience something new and useful, we recommend you to try FireGestures, and if you like... don't worry, it's free.

Fire Gestures Add On

Firegestures xpi


Although each new version of Firefox we test is easier to use, there are people over there who think that Firefox should include even more facilities and that's the reson why there exist so many add-ons for the well-known web browser.
This time we have experienced mouse gestures in Firefox and I must say it is very useful when you get used to them.
FireGestures is an add-on for Firefox that adds mouse gestures support to your favorite web browser. It offers 5 different control modes to do different actions: Mouse gestures, wheel gestures, rocker (right-left click combinations), Keycombinations, and tab rotation using the mouse wheel.
By this way, iif you want to experience something new and useful, we recommend you to try FireGestures, and if you like... don't worry, it's free.